Pokemon Diamond and Pearl for the Nintendo DS have been in the Top 10 best selling games for months now and the Diamond and Pearl cartoon is pretty popular too. I have a vision and Pokemon people feel free to borrow this idea from me, that would make Pokemon an even more dominant gaming franchise. I'd like to see a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) based on the world of Pokemon.
Sure, I know that's there's a few Pokemongames online like Pokemon Crater and Pokemon Online (POL) but those games are pretty simple and based on the game play of the Game Boy Advance version of Pokemon. I'd like to see a World of Warcraft style Pokemon game online. Pokemon Battle Revolution is out and it already has online play in Japan but that game is just an extension of Diamond and Pearl. No, they need to start over with a whole new online Pokemon game.
My Worlds of Warcraft Pokemon game idea (let's call it Worlds of Pokemon for this article) if done right, could become the game that puts the Wii Online Service on the map.
Pokemon is a very widely loved and fascinating game that's played all over the world. Not just for kids but teenagers and even adults also enjoy these Pokemon games. You can play the online Pokemon games from your web browser wherever and whenever you want. Some of these online games are multiplayer and some are single player. One such game, Pokemon Battle Arena grew out of the canned Pokemon Crater program. Not any of these Pokemon MMORPG games are approved by Nintendo or Freak games, but they don't appear to be greatly damaged by these games either. So whether one desires doing combat with their own customised Pokemon, or simply walk around the game world accumulating cards, the Pokemon online games has just made it a deal easier to do. Swearing in the game is not acceptable particularly as children may be playing in the game. A lot of people love Pokemon and of course playing online Pokemon games, including me. Visit me to see the huge list of Pokemon MMORPG games reviewed. Pokemon games used to only be around for Gameboy, DS, and Wii.
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