"The Witcher" combines spectacular and visually stunning action with deep and intriguing storyline. The game is set in a world created by best-selling Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. The world shares many common features with other fantasy lands, but there are also some distinguishing elements setting it apart from others.
The game features the player as a "Witcher", a warrior who has been trained to fight since childhood, subjected to mutations and trials that transformed him. He earns his living killing monsters and is a member of a brotherhood founded long ago to protect people from werewolves, the undead, and a host of other beasts spawned from hell.
Here are some key features of "TheWitcher":
· Dynamic and visually spectacular action
· Real time combat with motion captured animations performed by a master of medieval sword combat.
· Ragdoll and rigid body physics, powered by Criterion's Karma Engine to simulate interaction with opponents as well as elements of surrounding.
· Deep and intriguing storyline
· Interesting story full of twists and turns in a complex and coherent setting.
· Most quests can be accomplished in several ways.
· Three different endings that depend on player's actions and choices throughout the whole adventure.
· Original character concept and fantasy world
· The main character is a professional swordmaster and monster slayer.
· Game world which is more adult" and less fairy-tale" than typical fantasy.
· The world which is not black and white and is inhabited by believable characters.
· Easy to use
· Thanks to transparent and intuitive controls, players are able to enjoy the game right after beginning without a long learning curve. During the game depth of the system will be gradually discovered.
· All actions can be done using the mouse only, however all possible shortcuts are fully configurable.
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